CHINA> National
Chinese police chief stresses narcotics control
Updated: 2009-04-30 11:48

BEIJING -- China's Minister of Public Security Meng Jianzhu Wednesday called for an intensified battle against narcotics crimes to ensure social stability and harmony in the country.

Prevention work lies in the core of narcotics control, Meng, also head of the National Narcotics Control Commission (NNCC), said during a NNCC meeting.

The police chief hailed the anti-narcotics achievement China made in 2008.

The country's police busted 62,000 drug-related criminal cases involving 74,000 suspects in 2008.

A total of 4.4 tonnes of heroine, 6.2 tonnes of crystal methamphetamine (or "ice"), 2.2 tonnes of marijuana, 1.4 tonnes of opium and 0.8 tonnes of cocaine were seized by the police during the period.

Meng urged continuing to strengthen anti-narcotics education among the public in the country.