CHINA> Taiwan, HK, Macao
Taiwan gets observer status at WHA
By Xie Yu (China Daily)
Updated: 2009-05-19 10:56

Taiwan gets observer status at WHA
General view of the Assembly Hall where the 62nd World Health Assembly takes place at the United Nations European headquarters in Geneva May 18, 2009. [Agencies]

The DPP yesterday strongly opposed Taiwan's presence at the WHA meeting under the name of "Chinese Taipei", saying it would "dwarf Taiwan's sovereignty" and urged people to protest.

Taiwan gets observer status at WHA

However, an opinion poll conducted by the island's health authority last month showed 90 percent of respondents support Taiwan's participation in the WHA under the name of "Chinese Taipei".

In another poll whose results were released yesterday, a record number of Taiwan people believe the mainland is friendly toward the island.

Nearly 57 percent of the 1,007 people questioned in a China Times poll last week said the mainland was friendly toward Taiwan - the highest number recorded by the daily.

The poll was released as the pro-independence DPP yesterday continued a sit-in protest against Ma's mainland policies. The DPP said 600,000 people marched in the streets of Taipei on Sunday but authorities put the turnout at less than 80,000.

Trade fair

The 11th Cross-Straits Fair for Economy and Trade started in Fuzhou yesterday, as a part of the first cross-Straits forum. It attracted more than 250 companies from 23 counties and cities from Taiwan. Leading Taiwanese products including snacks, handicrafts and electronic products attracted thousands of mainland customers, and deals for 38 investment projects worth $270 million were signed.