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Premier Wen's EU tour boosts mutual trust, co-op
Updated: 2009-05-21 21:40

Pragmatic Cooperation Promoted

Noting that expanding pragmatic cooperation is the main theme of China-EU relations, Wen said efforts should be made to make full use of their summit meeting and high-level economic and trade dialogue mechanisms to push forward their exchanges and cooperation in all fields.

Premier Wen's EU tour boosts mutual trust, co-op
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao (L), Czech President Vaclav Klaus (C), whose country holds the rotating EU presidency, and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso attend a press conference after the 11th China-EU Summit in Prague, Czech Republic, Wednesday May 20, 2009. [Xinhua] More Photos

Both sides should further improve the legal framework of their cooperation to better coordinate in politics, trade, science and technology, culture, education and other fields, Wen said.

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The European side has expressed its readiness to promote all kinds of dialogue mechanisms with China and speed up negotiations for the EU-China Partnership Cooperation Agreement (PCA).

Joint efforts to tackle the global financial crisis form a key part of  China-EU cooperation at the current stage, said Yang.

"China has been sincere in promoting Sino-EU economic and trade cooperation and has taken practical measures for that end," Yang said.

As the world's two big economies and each other's key trading partners, China and the EU should work together to overcome the current difficulties and contribute to an early recovery of the world economy, Wen said.

Both sides have agreed to take the lead in opposing trade protectionism. China will sent another purchasing delegation to Europe soon.

The two sides agreed to further promote mutual investment and boost cooperation in small- and medium-sized enterprises, measures for trade facilitation, science and technology, communications and posts, Yang noted.

They also agreed to enhance dialogues in macro-economic policy and finance to push forward reforms of the international financial system, Yang added.

After their summit meeting, the Chinese and EU leaders witnessed the signing of three agreements on cooperation in clean energy, science and technology and small-and medium-sized enterprises.

Wen also briefed European side on China's policies on climate change  and its achievements in energy saving and emission reduction. He reiterated China's commitment to the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities", and called for comprehensive, effective and sustained implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol in a bid to ensure the Copenhagen conference to yield positive results, Yang said.

The EU leaders noticed the effectiveness of the Chinese measures against climate change, and expressed willingness to work with the Chinese side, he added.

The two parties also exchanged views on international and regional  issues of great concern, and agreed to enhance coordination and cooperation on international affairs.