CHINA> National
China to co-op with Japan, ROK in environmental protection
Updated: 2009-06-14 20:59

BEIJING -- The environment ministers of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (ROK) agreed in Beijing Sunday to step up public awareness campaigns on environmental protection.

At the 11th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting of China, Japan and South Korea (TEMM), Zhou Shengxian, China's environment minister, discussed progress on environment policies with counterparts Tetsuo Saito, of Japan, and Lee Maanee, of the ROK.

They also talked about environmental challenges facing Northeast Asia and the world.

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The three ministers agreed to focus cooperation on raising public awareness and participation in environmental protection. They also vowed to promote green cities and low-carbon products and to fight air and water pollution.

They also signed a joint statement, which is expected to be discussed and passed at the next China-Japan-ROK summit to be held in China later this year, Zhou told reporters.

Started in 1999, the TEMM is one of the highest-level environment meetings in Northeast Asia. The three countries take turns hosting the annual meeting to find out ways to promote regional environmental cooperation.