CHINA> Regional
Official-killer waitress exempted on court
Updated: 2009-06-16 16:18

Deng's grandfather, with tears in his eyes, said he would take her granddaughter to a doctor. He told Xinhua the woman had suffered insomnia for the past two years and that since the second half of last year, the family noticed she was mentally challenged.

According to police, on the evening of May 10, Deng Guida, Huang Dezhi and some other local officials entertained themselves at a bathhouse of Xiongfeng Hotel in Yesanguan Town of Badong County.

The two forced hotel waitress Deng Yujiao to have sex with them in return for money. They continued to pester and insult Deng upon her refusal. The waitress tried to leave but was halted by Deng Guida and pushed by him to a sofa.

The young woman attacked the officials with a fruit knife when they threateningly approached her again, and she thought that they wanted to rape her.

Deng Guida, 44, director of the business promotion office in Yesanguan, died of his injuries, and his 41-year-old junior colleague Huang Dezhi was injured.

The incident aroused wide public attention, especially among netizens, who believed the hotel employee had acted in self-defence.

Huang Dezhi was sacked from the post of vice director of the township office of business delegations, the Communist Party of China's Badong County Discipline Inspection Committee and the county's Supervisory Bureau said earlier in a joint statement.

He was also deprived of his CPC membership and has been detained in connection with public order offences.

Deng Zhongjia, 45, another vice director of the same office, was also fired as the incident had caused a "bad social effect". Deng Zhongjia, who went to the bathhouse with Huang and Deng Guida, had not broken any laws or regulations, the statement said.

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