Foreign and Military Affairs

Premier Wen proposes to advance economic, trade links with France

Updated: 2009-12-22 02:07
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Premier Wen proposes to advance economic, trade links with France
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao (R) shakes hands with French Prime Minister Francois Fillon during a welcoming ceremony Wen holds for Fillon at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, Dec. 21, 2009.[Xinhua]
Premier Wen proposes to advance economic, trade links with France

Fillon said he agreed with Wen's proposals on the development of bilateral ties, which was a unique strategic partnership.

He said the France-China ties had achieved remarkable growth since the two countries forged diplomatic relations in 1964, with increasing all-dimensional cooperation and growing friendship between the two peoples.

Fillon hoped the two nations should continue their efforts, based on mutual respect and equality, to promote cooperation in nuclear energy, aviation, transport and culture.

France and China should work together to promote dialogue between countries which were different in culture and system, in a bid to achieve a multi-polar world, Fillon said.

Wen and Fillon also exchanged views on China-EU relations.

Wen said China attached great importance to the European Union and always regarded China-EU ties as one of its most important foreign relations.

Wen hoped France would continue playing a positive role in persuading all EU member states into agreements on lifting arms embargo against China and recognizing China's status of full market economy.

"This is conducive to China-France and China-EU ties," Wen noted.

Fillon spoke highly of the successful 12th China-European Union summit, which took place in Nanjing, capital of east China's Jiangsu Province, at the end of last month.

With the establishment of new EU institutions, the EU-China relations would achieve more stable growth, Fillon said.

Fillon also briefed Wen on his views on the two week-long Copenhagen conference, which concluded Saturday in the Danish capital after producing a non-legally binding document on climate change.

All parties should be forward-looking and respect and fulfill the Copenhagen Accord to jointly cope with climate change, and also promote economic growth and human progress, he noted.

Fillon was on his first official visit to China since taking office.

Premier Wen proposes to advance economic, trade links with France
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao (5th L) holds talks with visiting French Prime Minister Francois Fillon (4th R) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, Dec. 21, 2009.[Xinhua]
Premier Wen proposes to advance economic, trade links with France

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