Government and Policy

Chinese Vice Premier stresses ethnic unity

Updated: 2009-12-22 08:09
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BEIJING: Chinese Vice Premier Hui Liangyu on Monday stressed that ethnic work was key to China's stability and the happiness of people of all ethnic groups, and urged authorities to further strengthen ethnic unity and harmony in the country.

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Hui made the remarks during a meeting of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission.

The Vice Premier noted that China was currently witnessing harmonious ethnic relations and huge progress in its ethnic unity undertaking, and had achieved obvious developments in its ethnic regions.

The facts had proven China's ethnic policies were right and successful, and that they should be further adhered to in the future, Hui said.

Development was at the core of China's ethnic work, he said, adding that authorities should focus on improving local infrastructure and people's livelihoods in ethnic regions, and should encourage the regions to explore their own ways toward development.

He also urged authorities to carry out education campaigns on ethnic unity.