Urban Best Practice Area

Construction of Taipei's UBPA case to start next month

Updated: 2009-11-05 18:46
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Construction of the Taipei pavilion at the Urban Best Practices Area of Expo 2010 will start next month, the Taipei city government announced on Oct 21, 2009.

The exhibition venue was expected to showcase the city to global visitors during the Expo from May to October, Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-pin said at a press conference.

The pavilion is divided into several areas, including a huge three-dimensional theater where visitors can have a virtual tour of tomorrow's Taipei via short movies and light-and-sound shows.

Two projects, Wireless Taipei and Taipei Infinity, will be demonstrated at the pavilion.

Visitors would see Taipei as an international metropolis defined by advanced technology, cultural diversity and a high quality of life, Hau said.

The construction of the pavilion was scheduled to be completed in March, next year.