
Scheme of new cross-border economic zone with Vietnam

By Rong Xiandong, Huo Yan and Huang Feifei in Nanning (
Updated: 2010-02-01 17:15
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Dongxing is one of the largest China-Vietnam border gates in terms of trade volume, said Gu Xiaosong, deputy president of Guangxi Academy of Social Sciences and vice president of the China Association of Southeast Asian Studies.

Scheme of new cross-border economic zone with Vietnam
Gu Xiaosong (L), deputy president of Guangxi Academy of Social Sciences and vice president of the China Association of Southeast Asian Studies, gives an exclusive interview with China Daily on the sidelines of the 3rd session of the 11th people's congress of Guangxi in Nanning, capital of the region, February 1st, 2010. [] 

The volume of trade between China and Vietnam through the Dongxing-Mong Cai border reached $2.4 billion and $4.1 billion in 2007 and 2008 respectively, the highest among the China-Vietnam border gates.

Gu highly values the importance of the new cross-border economic zone to the enhancement of China-Vietnam economic cooperation on the Beibu Bay and the development of China-ASEAN ties.

 Full Coverage:
Scheme of new cross-border economic zone with Vietnam Two Sessions in Guangxi

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"The establishment of the new zone will greatly promote the construction of China-Vietnam border regions and political, cultural and economic exchanges between the two countries," Gu said. "The new zone will also play an important part as a demonstration area for pushing for China-ASEAN trade ties."

Gu, who also acted as vice Party secretary of Dongxing, suggested more preferential policies should be adopted to give more freedom to the movement of people and capital in the Dongxing-Mong Cai border economic zone to promote the development of the zone.

The mayor of Dongxing echoed Gu's ideas.

"We hope the planned Dongxing-Mong Cai economic zone can have more free movement of capital, people and cargo so that the zone can play an important role in facilitating trade between the two cities, boosting China-Vietnam economic ties and enhancing China-ASEAN cooperation," Liu said.

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