Foreign and Military Affairs

Chinese FM sees "new opportunity" to restart six-party talks

Updated: 2010-02-06 09:03
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MUNICH - The Chinese foreign minister said on Friday that there was now new opportunity to restart the six-party talks that aims to resolve the unclear issue on the Korean Peninsula through dialogue and diplomacy.

Yang Jiechi said in his first speech at the Munich Security Conference that "tension surrounding this issue has recently eased to a certain extent, and there is now a new opportunity to restart the six-party talks and push forward the denuclearization process, " he said.

"We must find a peaceful solution to this issue through dialogue and consultation and by political and diplomatic means. This is the only right choice, a choice which serves the common interests of all parties," he said.

He asserted that "China will work tirelessly with other parties concerned and the international community as a whole for the denuclearization of the peninsula, the normalization of relations between relevant countries and the achievement of enduring peace and stability in Northeast Asia."