
Chongqing gang leader jailed for life

By Zuo Likun (
Updated: 2010-02-10 17:13
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Gong Gangmo, a gang leader and former sales manager of motorbike producer Yingang company, was given life imprisonment and fined 50.21 million yuan (US$7.36 million) for multiple felonies on Wednesday in southwest China's Chongqing municipality, reported.

Thirty-four gang members, including Gong, were handed various sentences by Chongqing No. 1 Intermediate People's Court for organizing a mafia-styled gang, intentional killing, illegally possessing and trading guns, as well as drug dealing.

Gong's cahoot, Fan Qihang was sentenced to death with all his personal assets confiscated plus a penalty bill of 710,000 yuan (US$104,000).

On Tuesday, Li Zhuang, Gong's former lawyer, was sentenced to a year and a half for giving false evidence and encouraging others to give false evidence in Gong’s organized crime gang trial.