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Deputy raps SOEs' imparity on taxes and jobs

Updated: 2010-03-10 14:18
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China's private entrepreneurs and companies, absorbing an absolute majority of 85 percent of the workforce, have shouldered heavier taxes than State-owned enterprises (SOEs), which employ only 8.2 percent of the workforce, said a deputy to the legislature in Beijing, the Dayoo.com reported on Wednesday.

Adding to the imparity is the lopsided bank loans. Eighty-five percent of the country's staggering 9.59 trillion yuan ($1.4 trillion) bank loans in 2009 were granted to SOEs, leaving others more vulnerable in the economic recovery, said Li Yongzhong, a National People's Congress (NPC) deputy and Supervisory Committee Chairman of Guangdong Zhongren Construction Group.

"The SOEs consume a large part of the social resources, thus should shoulder their social responsibilities accordingly," said Li at the Guangdong provincial NPC panel discussion.