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Latest development: Qinghai earthquake

Updated: 2010-04-14 11:58
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More than 100 police officers were mobilized to guard oil depots, banks and the armory right after the 7.1-magitute earthquake hit Qinghai, CCTV reported on Wednesday. [13:12]


More than 100 rescuers from Shiqu county of Sichuan province arrived at the quake-hit region about noon, after a 7.1 magnitude earthquake hit the Yushu prefecture this morning.

The rescue team made of armed policemen and medical staff is set to embark on relief work once they arrive at the two worst-hit towns, 10 kilometers away from Yushu prefecture. [13:00]


There may be strong aftershocks in the next few days after the 7.1-magnitude earthquake in Yushu, Qinghai province early on Wednesday, and local residents should make the necessary preparations, according to the China Earthquake Networks Center. [12:52]


More than 30 students in a social welfare school in Yushu, in Northwest China’s Qinghai province, survived the 7.1-magnitude earthquake because they were late for school on Wednesday, chinanews.com.cn reported. [12:50]


A rescue team consisting of 13 firemen has been sent by a fire brigade in Tibet to the earthquake-hit Yushu county, Qinghai province, on Wednesday afternoon. It follows the first rescue team, which includes 58 officers and soldiers as well as seven fire engines, sent by the Tibetan fire brigade at 10 am. [12:48]


Sun Shihong, an expert with the China Earthquake Administration in Beijing, said the earthquake would not cause huge casualties because Yushu county is in a remote and underdeveloped region and most of the houses there have wooden frames.[12:40]


A special emergency relief flight between Xining, capital city of Qinghai and Yushu, has been established delivering desperately needed supplies to the region, Xinhua reporter Yang Shoude said. [12:17]


Over 100,000 permanent residents in Yushu are believed to be affected by the devastating quake. [12:01]


The Ministry of Civil affairs sounded a four-level disaster relief alarm at 8:30 am and dispatched a team to assist with the relief effort in quake-hit Qinghai province. Central government has sent 5,000 cotton tents, 50,000 cotton overcoats and 50, 000 cotton quilts to the region. 5,000 tents have also been dispatched urgently from Civil Affairs authorities of Qinghai province. [11:56]


Following the 7.1-magnitude earthquake, an aftershock measuring 3.9 in magnitude hit Yushu, Qinghai province at 11:15 am on April 14, 2010, according to China Earthquake Networks Center. [11:45]


Roads leading to Yushu airport have been destroyed, and communications is currently down.[11:38]


Some 85 percent of homes are believed to have collapsed. [11:26]


The affected area lacks tents, medical equipments and health workers, Zhuo Huaxia, Deputy Publicity Secretary of Yushu government, told Xinhua in a telephone interview. [11:00]


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