Foreign and Military Affairs

Senior lawmaker calls for closer ties with Brazil

Updated: 2010-05-07 15:24
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BRASILIA - China and Brazil should strengthen their strategic partnership through joint efforts of their parliaments, a senior Chinese lawmaker said Thursday.

Oyunqemag, vice chairwoman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), said that political trust between the two countries has been growing in recent years, and great success has been achieved in all spheres of cooperation.

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The two nations have also expanded cultural exchanges and maintained good coordination and communication in international affairs, she said while meeting with Brazilian Senate President Jose Sarney and the head of the Chamber of Deputies Michel Temer.

Oyunqemag said that parliamentary relation is an important part of bilateral ties between China and Brazil.

She added that the NPC is willing to work with the Brazilian Senate and Chamber of Deputies to strengthen exchanges and cooperation, deepen friendship between the two peoples, and enrich the contents of strategic partnership between the two nations.

Sarney and Temer said that Brazil values its relations with China and the Brazilians are happy to see the growth of bilateral ties.

They said the Brazilian Congress wishes to promote friendly cooperation with the NPC through the regular mechanisms of exchange, and strengthen the existing sound cooperation between the two countries.

They said Brazil also expects to exchange with China the experience of hosting the Olympic Games.

Heading a NPC delegation, Oyunqemag arrived in Brazil Tuesday on a trip that has already taken her to Mexico.