Foreign and Military Affairs

Danish, Chinese officials see cooperation potential

Updated: 2010-05-11 14:02
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COPENHAGEN - Chinese Ambassador to Denmark Xie Hangsheng and Danish Economic Minister Brian Mikkelsen said on Monday that they saw huge potential for cooperation between the two countries.

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They made the remarks at a ceremony in Copenhagen University, marking the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries.

"It has been 60 remarkable years for the development of Chinese-Danish relationship," Ambassador Xie said during a keynote speech at the celebration ceremony.

The recent decades witnessed the rapid development of bilateral relations, featuring all-dimensional, wide-ranging and multi-tiered exchange and cooperation, he said.

The Chinese ambassador spoke highly of the economic cooperation between the two countries.

He noted that China is currently Denmark's largest trading partner in Asia.

"Despite the impact of the global financial crisis, many Danish enterprises achieved excellent results in the Chinese market. At the same time, Chinese companies begin to cooperate with the Danish companies or do business directly in Denmark," he said.

Xie said that a solid and sound bilateral political relationship and mutual trust were the foundation and guarantee for strong bilateral cooperation.

Sharing Xie's views, Mikkelsen said Denmark and China have a diplomatic relationship which is developing solidly and rapidly.

"As a gesture of friendship and Denmark's commitment to this relationship, we have sent our little mermaid to Shanghai Expo 2010, in China. This was her first and probably the last journey to travel outside Denmark," said the minister.

He said that the Danish government would like to fully tap potentials for cooperation with China, mainly in the areas of research and education.

"Denmark has the most advanced technology in life science, engine and shipping in the world. By working together, both sides will be benefited," he said.

Mikkelsen said he hoped more Chinese companies will invest in Denmark.

China and Denmark forged diplomatic ties on May 11, 1950.

The celebration on Monday was a part of a series of events marking the 60th anniversary of the establishment of China-Denmark diplomatic ties.

On Tuesday, the Chinese embassy in Copenhagen and the Denmark's Foreign Ministry will hold more celebrations for the occasion.