Foreign and Military Affairs

China, Arab nations ink statement to upgrade ties

By Wu Jiao and Qin Jize (China Daily)
Updated: 2010-05-15 10:19
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China, Arab nations ink statement to upgrade ties

President Hu Jintao (2nd R) meets with the chief delegates of Arab nations in Beijing Friday. [Xinhua]

Beijing - China and Arab nations are establishing a new partnership in an era of growing globalization, demonstrating a new cooperative model for developing countries of the world.

The two sides on Friday upgraded their ties as they wrote a common declaration to develop a strategic and cooperative relationship.

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Both sides pledged to support each other on matters that are of core interests, deepen cooperation on political, trade, energy, environment and cultural issues, and push for closer communications on global and regional topics.

The declaration was made as the two-day, fourth ministerial meetings of the China-Arab Cooperation Forum concluded on Friday in North China's port city of Tianjin.

Both sides also signed an action plan outlining the specific measures to be taken, between 2010 and 2012, to promote China-Arab relations.

While meeting with the chief delegates of Arab nations in Beijing the same day, President Hu Jintao urged the two sides to have closer coordination on reforms of the international system to maintain the common interests of developing countries and deal with global challenges.

Hu said China firmly supports the peace process in the Middle East as well as Arab nations' just cause of striving for legitimate rights.

Hu also reiterated Beijing's support for a nuclear-free Middle East amid growing international calls for such ambitions.

Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa expressed appreciation for China's important role in pushing forward the Middle-East peace process, calling China a strategic and cooperative partner.

The China-Arab Cooperation Forum was established during President Hu Jintao's visit to the Arab League's headquarters in January 2004.

Hu noted at the time that the formation of the forum was a continuation of the traditional friendship between China and the Arab world and an important move to promote bilateral ties under new circumstances.

The Xinhua News Agency said the documents inked on Friday between the two sides show that China and Arab countries have similar strategic cooperation goals, huge trade potential and deep cultural exchanges.

Hailing the meeting as a landmark in China-Arab history, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi said the new strategic cooperative relations will not only become a driving force for China-Arab relations, but will serve as a model for relations between developing countries.

China Daily