Foreign and Military Affairs

China urges early resumption of talk on Iran issue

Updated: 2010-06-01 17:59
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BEIJING - China hopes all relevant parties will seize current opportunities to enable the resumption of dialogue to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue as soon as possible, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu said here Tuesday afternoon.

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Ma said at a regular press conference China has taken note of the latest report by IAEA Director-General Amano Yukiya.

According to reports, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said in a restricted report Iran was producing highly-enriched uranium.

In response to a question about the IAEA report, Ma said China appreciates the efforts the IAEA has made.

Ma expressed hope Iran will strengthen cooperation with the IAEA.

Ma emphasized that the long-term and proper resolution to the Iranian nuclear issue has to be achieved through dialogue and negotiation, which is in the interests of all parties concerned.