Foreign and Military Affairs

China attaches importance to exchanges with US

Updated: 2010-09-07 19:48
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BEIJING -- China attached importance to maintaining exchanges with the United States at all levels, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu on Tuesday.

Jiang told a regular press conference that through visits by two senior US officials, China hoped to exchange views with the US on current and future issues in China-US relations.

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Lawrence Summers, head of US President Barack Obama's National Economic Council, and Deputy National Security Adviser Tom Donilon were visiting China from September 5 to 8.

China was willing to work with the US to prepare well for high-level visits between the two countries and promote the sustained and healthy development of Sino-US relations, she said.

Jiang said the exchanges between China and the US were conducive to increasing mutual trust, enhancing mutual understanding and expanding bilateral cooperation.

Sound China-US ties was beneficial to both countries and the world,but it needed efforts from both sides, she said.

China hoped to work with the US to implement the important consensus reached by Chinese President Hu Jintao and US President Obama, she said.

She also called on the two sides to enhance dialogue, communication and cooperation and handle differences properly.