Foreign and Military Affairs

Wen's visit to Greece to deepen partnership

Updated: 2010-10-01 14:49
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ATHENS - The forthcoming visit of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao to Greece will add momentum to the bilateral relationship and deepen mutual trust, expanding and enriching the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Greece, Chinese Ambassador to Greece Luo Linquan told Xinhua in a recent interview.

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At the invitation of Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou, Premier Wen will pay an official visit to Greece from October 2 to 4.

Luo said that this will be the first time in the recent 24 years that a Chinese premier visits Greece, which will further strengthen the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Greece and the EU as well.

Luo said Premier Wen will meet with Greek President Karolos Papoulias and Parliament Speaker Philippos Petsalnikos and talk with Greek Prime Minister Papandreou during his visit here. The two leaders are expected to issue a joint statement announcing the important consensus reached by the two sides in political, economic and cultural fields.

"Premier Wen will be invited to deliver an important speech in the Greek Parliament, just a few days before the Asia-Europe summit and the China-EU summit in Brussels, which, I believe, will contain important information for Greece, the EU and the world as well," the Chinese ambassador said.

Luo pointed out that Premier Wen's visit to Greece comes at a time when the country is facing temporary difficulties. Once again the premier will send a clear signal to the world that China will give a vote of confidence in the economic prospects of Greece and that China is taking practical action to assist Greece and the European Union in overcoming the crisis.

Luo added that they will witness the signing of a series of inter-governmental and inter-industrial agreements.

On the basis of a successful operation in Pier 2 in Piraeus, a port town in southestern Greece, the two sides will make joint efforts to build the largest distribution center and transit center from Asia to Europe, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea areas, Luo said.

He said the two governments will support enterprises of both sides to expand cooperation in the areas of ports, shipping, logistics, shipbuilding, ship financing and maritime multi-dimensional cooperation. The two sides will further strengthen cooperation in transportation, information technology, infrastructure, new energy development and encourage their enterprises to conduct two-way investment.

It is reported that Premier Wen will exchange views with Papandreou on strengthening global economic governance, supervision of credit rating agencies, reform of the international financial system and regional and international situation.

China and Greece established diplomatic relations 38 years ago, and  bilateral economic ties have grown strongly in recent years. The trade volume between them increased from $1.7 million to more than $40 billion. Despite the financial crisis, Greek exports to China increased 14.9 percent last year.