Foreign and Military Affairs

Costa Rican ambassador calls for FTA with China

Updated: 2010-10-12 10:17
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SAN JOSE - Costa Rican Embassador to China Marco Vinicio Ruiz has called on his country to approve the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with China soon, local media said Monday.

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Ruiz stressed the importance of taking advantage of the favorable conditions offered to Costa Rica by this FTA in an interview with local daily "La Nacion".

"It is very important to approve it this year, the pressure from other countries to negotiate with China is increasing and even in other Central American countries, there are trade missions coming (to China)," Ruiz said.

Before its implementation, the FTA has to be approved by Costa Rica's Legislative Assembly. However, it is necessary "to speed up" the process to implement the FTA in December at least, he said.

"Under the FTA, we have opened a big door to China and Asia," Ruiz said.

Meanwhile, other officials of Costa Rica said the FTA could be implemented in January 2011.

China and Costa Rica signed the FTA in April this year. The agreement was the first free trade pact inked between China and a Central American country.