Foreign and Military Affairs

China, Japan have no secret deal on Diaoyu Islands

Updated: 2010-10-21 22:42
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BEIJING - China and Japan have no secret agreement concerning the Diaoyu Islands issue, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu said in Beijing Thursday.

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Ma's remarks came after media reports said Japanese government sources had revealed that China and Japan secretly reached a compromise on the Diaoyu Islands issue while Junichiro Koizumi was Japanese prime minister.

The Japanese government sources said Japan agreed in the deal not to detain Chinese citizens setting foot on the Islands while China promised to restrain Chinese vessels who voluntarily defend the Diaoyu from approaching the isles, according to reports.

"There is absolutely no secret agreement. It is nothing but a slanderous rumor which not only misleads the public but further jeopardizes the political mutual trust between China and Japan. The Japanese side must take upon itself the consequences for this (rumor)," said Ma when responding to a journalist's question.

Ma said the Diaoyu Islands are, and have been since ancient times, an integral part of Chinese territory.

The Chinese government's stance in safeguarding the nation's sovereignty and territorial integrity has always been unambiguous and unwavering, he added.