First impression of the Chinese
By Asha Jacob
Wei..Ni hao…these were the first words I heard in this new land that I had just arrived. I didn't know what they meant, but I smiled in return. The officials at the airport were the no nonsense type, they meant business and did their work with precision…
My transformation from America to China
By Thomas J. Gorton
In 2006, I was trying internet dating for a few months in the United States, my homeland. I was contacted by a Chinese lady. Trying to date someone 9,000 miles away would be foolish, I thought. After a few weeks of writing back and forth I decided to come to China.
1st letter to my wife
By Brian O'Connell
Hi Margo,
I sure love you. The trip went pretty smooth, with no hitches, and I am established in my dorm room. The worst of the plane rides was the horrible food, totally unappetizing. Thanks for making me take the bananas.
'Chinese Math'
By Aminta Arrington
I always, when discussing the Chinese educational system with my university students at Taishan Medical University (Shandong), pointed out that the Chinese were much better at math than us Americans