Chinese leader stresses inspections at grassroots level

Updated: 2011-08-15 20:12


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TAIYUAN - Senior Chinese leader He Guoqiang has urged the county-level inspection to be a key part of local supervision work to promote fight against corruption and safeguard social stability.

He, head of the Communist Party of China Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI), made the remarks Monday at a meeting on the inspection work in provincial-level regions.

"Safeguarding the political disciplines of the Party should be the priority of our inspection work," He said, adding that local Party and government organizations should foster a high-quality team of inspectors through rigorous training and strict standards.

He urged inspectors to focus on field inspection work so to strengthen communications with local people and gather more information through various channels.

Inspectors were also told to report to higher level organizations if any malpractices were discovered and call for immediate rectification.