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  • Eurozone approves 6th tranche of loans to Greece

    2011-10-22 10:34

    Eurozone finance ministers Friday decided to unblock the six tranche of bailout loans the debt-ridden country secured last year, in order to keep Athens afloat for just a few more months.

  • China waits for clarity on EU bailout fund

    2011-10-29 07:47

    Senior Chinese officials said on Friday that China would not inject more capital into the EU's bailout fund before more rescue details have emerged.

  • Greek woes 'symptom of wider crisis'

    2011-10-27 07:28

    The current deadlock in the Greek economy is a symptom of a deeper eurozone crisis, and a common fiscal policy is essential for the stabilization of the European Union's economy.

  • Europeans wait as leaders debate debt deal

    2011-10-27 07:26

    Europeans were waiting for a deal to tackle a worsening debt crisis on Wednesday after leaders held an one-hour work session.

  • Emerging economies 'to help bail out EU'

    2011-10-26 07:40

    Leading emerging economies such as China have reportedly agreed to help the European Union increase its bailout fund through the International Monetary Fund (IMF), said a reliable source close to EU decision-makers.

  • EU leaders agree on framework to tackle debt woes

    2011-10-25 09:08

    European Union leaders agreed a five-element framework of a comprehensive strategy to root out fiscal and economic woes, the details of which will be announced after an evening summit on Wednesday.

  • EU summit seeks debt crisis solution

    2011-10-24 07:07

    European Union leaders held two summits on Sunday in an effort to tackle the eurozone debt crisis.

  • Sarkozy: Euro zone talks stuck on bailout fund

    2011-10-20 10:56

    Plans to tackle the euro zone debt crisis have stalled with Paris and Berlin at odds over how to increase the firepower of the region's bailout fund.

  • Strike shuts down Greece before austerity vote

    2011-10-19 17:09

    Greek unions began a 48-hour general strike on Wednesday, the biggest protest in years, as parliament prepared to vote on sweeping new austerity measures.

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