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  • EU leaders call for 'renewed collective G20 spirit'

    2011-10-31 06:20

    European Union (EU) leaders called for a "renewed collective G20 spirit" while highlighting the bloc's objectives late saturday for the upcoming summit of world's major economies.

  • WB head: Preventing crisis 'true test' for G20

    2011-10-29 09:53

    The true test for the G20 will be whether it can prevent a future financial crisis, World Bank Group President Robert Zoellick said Friday ahead of the upcoming G20 summit in Cannes.

  • G20 tells euro zone to fix debt crisis in 8 days

    2011-10-16 09:55

    The world's leading economies pressed Europe on Saturday to act decisively within eight days to resolve the euro zone's sovereign debt crisis which is endangering the world economy.

  • Euro zone crisis to dominate G20 meeting

    2011-10-14 17:19

    The euro zone debt crisis will dominate a summit of G20 finance chiefs and central bank heads in Paris, with a downgrade of Spain's credit rating highlighting the risk of a much larger economy than Greece coming under threat.

  • Chinese, S. African FMs talk on G20 summit

    2011-10-29 11:09

    Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi and his South African counterpart Maite Nkoana-Mashabane on Friday exchanged views on the upcoming G20 summit

  • G20 not to discuss buying European bonds

    2011-10-28 22:55

    Chinese Vice Finance Minister Zhu Guangyao said here Friday the coming G20 summit will not discuss whether its members would capitalize the eurozone bail-out package.

  • G20 sets strategy deadline for debt crisis

    2011-10-18 08:08

    PARIS / BRUSSELS - European leaders have one week to settle differences and flesh out a strategy to terminate their sovereign debt crisis as global finance chiefs warn failure to do so would endanger the world economy.

  • Gates to urge G20 not turn backs on poor

    2011-10-25 09:45

    Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates said on Monday it was critical that rich donors continue to fund health and agriculture projects in developing countries despite budget cuts in the United States and Europe.

  • WTO chief wants G20 push on global trade deal

    2010-09-06 15:43

    Group of 20 leaders should use their November summit to make a serious push for the conclusion of stalled global trade negotiations, the head of the WTO said Monday.

  • China calls on G20 to draw on developing nations' experience

    2010-09-13 15:20

    Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai said here Monday it's important for G20 nations to draw on the experience of developing countries on economic issues and get rid of outdated theories.

  • China hopes Seoul G20 summit promotes global growth

    2010-10-21 21:34

    China said Thursday it hopes the Group of 20 (G20) Summit in Seoul next month will promote global economic growth in a robust, sustainable and balanced manner.

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