China / Society

Typhoon Son-Tinh leaves 70 boats missing

(Xinhua) Updated: 2012-10-30 13:36

NANNING - Typhoon Son-Tinh has brought strong wind and downpours to South China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region since Sunday, sinking six boats and causing another 70 to go missing on a China-Vietnam border river, police said Tuesday.

No casualties have been reported so far, said a spokesman with the public security bureau of the city of Fangchenggang.

The typhoon caused a flood on the Beilun River, with 70 boats reported missing, six sunken and another one stranded in Vietnamese territory, the spokesman said.

The region's flood control and drought relief headquarters said heavy rains are still pounding the city of Dongxing. The headquarters has asked the local government to take precautionary measures to prevent mudslides or other disasters.

Typhoon Son-Tinh has killed one person and left another five missing, the Ministry of Civil Affairs said Monday.

It weakened to a strong tropical storm on Monday morning after sweeping across South China's Hainan province, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region and North Vietnam, forcing the relocation of tens of thousands of residents.

Maritime authorities in Guangxi rescued 26 Vietnamese women and children who were trapped on their boats on the Beilun River on Monday morning.

Typhoon Son-Tinh leaves 70 boats missing

Typhoon Son-Tinh lands on Ningping province in North Vietnam, bringing down trees on Oct 29, 2012. [Photo/Xinhua]


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