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China Daily Website

  • Reporters welcomed to cover two sessions

    2012-02-01 15:40

    Journalists from China and abroad are being invited to cover the two major annual events on the country's political calendar next month.

  • Social security tops priorities in public poll

    2012-02-14 13:45

    In an online poll being conducted by The People's Daily, China's flagship newspaper, social security has topped the list of priorities that are expected to be addressed at China's upcoming political sessions.

  • China to hold annual 'two sessions'

    2012-02-21 21:15

    China's legislators and political advisors are scheduled to start their annual sessions in early March, during which a wide range of issues will be discussed under the backdrop of complicated circumstances.

  • SPP handles 111 motions, proposals in 2011

    2012-02-22 21:52

    China's Supreme People's Procuratorate(SPP) handled 111 motions, suggestions and proposals submitted by legislators and political advisors last year, according to the general office of the SPP.

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