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Guangdong lawmaker calls for caning to punish male criminals

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2013-01-30 17:08

A lawmaker in Guangdong has called for caning to be introduced to punish male criminals in the fight against crime.

"Introducing caning to China can help produce a lasting deterrent to criminals … and reduce crime in Guangzhou, which has one of the highest crime rates on the Chinese mainland, and in the whole country," said Chen Weicai, a deputy to the National People's Congress.

Chen was speaking in the provincial capital during the annual session of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress on Wednesday.

Chen, a senior police officer in Guangzhou, said caning is usually carried out several times, as an offender often passes out after only two strikes. But if adopted, it should only be used on male criminals, he suggested.

Chen plans to submit his suggestion to the annual sessions of the country's top legislature and political advisory body in March.

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