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China Daily Website

Drunken police held after fatal shooting

Updated: 2013-10-30 17:37
By Jin Haixing (

A police officer was detained on Monday for allegedly shooting a pregnant woman to death in the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region.

The incident happened in a restaurant in Guigang on Monday evening during a dispute between the police officer and the owner of a restaurant, Beijing Youth Daily reported on Wednesday.

The policeman, surnamed Hu, 33, is alleged to have shot the owner and his pregnant wife, surnamed Wu, who was later pronounced dead.

According to the newspaper report, the police officer was drunk at the time.

Police said they are still investigating the incident.

In 2011, a similar case happened in Laibin, which is also under the administration of Guigang. On July 21, 2011, Tan Ningjiang, chief of a police station in the city, shot one person dead and wounded another while under the influence of alcohol.

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