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Chinese FM expresses great expectation of Asia-Europe ties

Updated: 2013-11-11 22:03
( Xinhua)

NEW DELHI - Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said here Monday that the relations between Asia and Europe are becoming tighter and the perspective of their cooperation wider against the backdrop of globalization and information age.

Addressing the 11th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) in the Indian capital, Wang said that a common development of Asia and Europe will contribute to the forming of a multipolar world and a better global power equilibrium, as well as a stronger, more dynamic and more sustainable growth of world economy.

He said both Asia and Europe have contributed greatly to human civilization and progress in history.

"Today, more and more Asian countries are entering the track of fast development, which is a general trend in the evolution of human society," he said.  

He expressed confidence that Europe, as one of the major economic powers of the world, will recover from its debt crisis and rebound to its former position.

Wang said Asia and Europe should stand at a new start of history, promote the facilitation of trade and investment, in order to seek and realize Asia-European economic integrity.

He suggested that the two continents focus on strengthening cooperation in communications, clean energy, environment protection, IT and urbanization.

China is willing to combine the design for a new Silk Route Economic Corridor with Asia-European cooperation to benefit the people of the two continents, he said.

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