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China Daily Website

Mother reports fugitive son's hiding place

Updated: 2013-11-25 14:59

A mother from Chongqing has reported her fugitive son's hiding place to police, after he had been on the run for 17 years.

Xu Qiang was accused of killing a man over a business dispute with two other men in August 1996, Chongqing Business Daily reported on Monday.

The other two men received prison sentences, while Xu fled to a township in Hunan province with a fake name and had no contact with his mother, Luo Bihua.

Recently, Luo got news about Xu from a friend who just returned to Chongqing from a township in Fenghua county, Hunan.

Luo decided to report the hiding place to Chongqing police on Thursday, so that her son could face justice.

Xu was held by police on Friday morning in Hunan province.

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