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China Daily Website

  • China-Myanmar exchange ends in SW China

    2013-05-14 21:58

    The China-Myanmar Round-Table on People's Exchanges concluded with fruitful results in Kunming after a day of heated discussions on pragmatic cooperation and reform experiences.

  • China-Myanmar exchange in SW China

    2013-05-14 15:48

    More than 60 representatives from China and Myanmar attended an event on Tuesday in Kunming, Southwest China's Yunnan province.

  • Myanmar welcomes more China exchanges

    2013-05-14 21:10

    Visiting Myanmar delegates expressed their willingness to have more exchanges with China to advance mutual understanding and trust during a one-day conference in Kunming on Tuesday.

  • China, Myanmar building border friendship

    2013-05-14 20:22

    The importance of people exchanges between China and Myanmar to improve the livelihood of both people was highlighted by a Chinese delegation during a one-day conference in Kunming, Yunnan province.

  • Delegates discuss China-Myanmar people's exchanges

    2013-05-31 16:04

    Delegates discuss China-Myanmar people's exchanges
