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The 18th CPC Central Committee, composed of more than 200 senior Party officials, will convene its third plenum on November 9-12 to discuss major economic and social issues concerning comprehensive reform.

  • Reform to ease negative trend in population

    2013-11-19 01:07

    The change to China's decades-old one-child policy is a step toward achieving a more balanced population age demographic, officials and experts said.

  • Better correctional system

    2013-11-18 07:01

    The abolition of the reeducation-through-labor system, which was written into the decisions of the Third Plenum, is a step forward in building the rule of law.

  • Official residence system

    2013-11-18 07:01

    Although there have been no details of when and how an official residence system will be implemented, it has caught the attention of the public.

  • Guarantee for development

    2013-11-18 07:01

    A State security committee will help promote the reform and innovation of nation's security systems, said the World Politics Research Institute.

  • A beginning, not an end

    2013-11-18 07:01

    The Third Plenum resolution reveals that China is to allow families in which either of the parents is a single child to have a second child.

  • Two points of interest

    2013-11-15 06:39

    Just like the bare bones nature of the communique of the Communist Party of China plenum, the subsequent guesswork was anticipated.

  • Market to boost economic efficiency

    2013-11-14 13:31

    China's pledge to give the market a "decisive" role has attracted international attention as Beijing aims to find new growth momentum for the world's second largest economy.

  • People's well-being objective of deepening reform

    2013-11-14 11:16

    Putting people first is the objective of a communique issued after the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, said a high-level Chinese economist.

  • Delegating powers needed for China's reforms

    2013-11-14 10:00

    The core principal of China's comprehensively deepening reforms is the government should delegate powers to lower levels to unleash all the social vitality and give full play to all sources of social wealth for the benefit of the people, said an economist.

  • What to take from China's Third Plenum?

    2013-11-14 07:29

    The reform seems comprehensive, encompassing not areas of economic reform but aiming at changing something as fundamental as the government's role.

  • China's reforms amid turmoil in the West

    2013-11-14 07:29

    As the Third Plenum begins a decade of reforms in China, the US and Europe are coping with a lost decade of liquidity traps and sluggish recoveries.

  • Rural land reform

    2013-11-14 07:29

    Transforming the land use system has become essential if the government is to realize its goals of common prosperity and national revival.

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