China / Society

Shanxi road accident death toll hits 12

(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-03-04 11:22

TAIYUAN - The death toll from a truck collision in North China's Shanxi Province on Saturday has risen to 12 after four more  bodies were found in a tunnel and one of 11 injured people died in hospital, local authorities announced on Tuesday.

The accident happened at 2:50 p.m. on Saturday when a coal truck rear-ended a tanker lorry loaded with methanol, a poisonous and flammable liquid often used as a fuel.

The collision, which caused a fire and explosion, happened inside the Yanhou Tunnel of a highway linking Shanxi's Jincheng City and Jiyuan City in Henan Province, killing drivers and passengers on nearby vehicles.

Rescuers have so far found 11 bodies at the scene.

Fifty-three people managed to escape, including the four drivers on the coal truck and the tanker.

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