China / Government

China rebuffs US 'freeze' proposal on South China Sea

(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-08-10 16:26


In the meantime, Wang underlined a "dual-track" approach in resolving the South China Sea issue, which indicates that relevant disputes should be addressed by countries directly concerned through friendly consultations and negotiation.

Such approach conforms to international law and common practices and constitutes one of the most important provisions in the DOC, said Wang, adding that it is also the most effective and viable way to resolve the South China Sea issue.

China and ASEAN countries are well capable of effectively managing and properly handling specific disputes and maintaining overall peace, stability and cooperation in the region, said Wang, adding that the two sides have already found the path for resolving the South China Sea issue.

Within such a context, China does not approve of exaggerating or even playing up the so-called tensions in the South China Sea, and calls for vigilance against any hidden motives, he said.


Speaking highly of the time-tested relations between China and ASEAN , the Chinese minister said his country is committed to further advancing its strategic partnership with the regional bloc.

China and ASEAN share common interests as well as a common destiny, said Wang, adding that China will continue to take ASEAN as a priority in its neighborhood diplomacy amid constantly changing international situation.

China firmly supports a more prosperous and stronger ASEAN and ASEAN's centrality in regional cooperation, as well as the conclusion of ASEAN community building in 2015, he added.

On the South China Sea issue, Wang said full and effective implementation of the DOC is the truly effective approach to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea.

Thanks to joint efforts of China and ASEAN, he said, positive progress has been made in implementing the DOC. China is ready to strengthen dialogue and cooperation with ASEAN to deepen practical cooperation within the framework of the DOC and push for the early conclusion of a code of conduct of the parties in the South China Sea (COC) through consensus.

For their part, ASEAN foreign ministers said their countries attach great importance to relations with China and stand ready to build a new diamond decade of ASEAN-China relations.

ASEAN countries is ready to work together with China to fully implement the DOC and move forward COC consultations to jointly uphold peace and stability in the South China Sea, they said.

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