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Ethnic Tajik life through the lens of a soldier (Part III)

Updated: 2014-12-26 07:49 By Cui Jia (chinadaily.com.cn)
Ethnic Tajik life through the lens of a soldier (Part III)

Gulaxiami, a 4-year-old Tajik girl, looks at her visiting uncle as she receives a gift from her visiting uncle, who lives 140 km away, Nov 24, 2014. [Photo by Wang Lie/chinadaily.com.cn]

The Tajik people never lock their doors at night because no one will steal.

If somebody drops something on the vast grassland, a Tajik person would wait for hours for the owner to return or put the lost item on a tall pile of stones so people could easily see it from a distance.

"Tajiks are the most honest people I have ever met and I have learned so much from them," Wang said.