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Corruption has 'no place to hide'

By Xinhua | China Daily | Updated: 2016-10-28 08:45

The Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th Communist Party of China Central Committee on Thursday endorsed prior decisions to expel four former senior officials from the Party, according to a communique issued after the four-day meeting.

Former Party chief of Liaoning province and senior national legislator Wang Min, and former Beijing deputy Party chief Lyu Xiwen were on the expulsion list.

It also confirmed the expulsion of former senior military officials Fan Changmi and Niu Zhizhong. The previous decisions of their expulsions were made by the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee.

Corruption has 'no place to hide'

Meanwhile, Zhao Xiangeng and Xian Hui, who were formerly alternate members of the CPC Central Committee, have been added to the CPC Central Committee to fill vacancies.

There will no longer be any place for corrupt officials to hide in the Communist Party of China, the communique said.

In efforts to clean up Party politics, leading officials are banned from using their positions to seek benefits for friends and family. Family members and friends of leading officials will be banned from interfering in the work of leading officials, including personnel arrangements, the communique said.

Stating that building clean politics and opposing corruption constitute an important task in strengthening and standardizing political life within the Party, the meeting called for the building of a system that ensures officials dare not, will not and cannot be corrupt.

In addition, leading officials at all levels have no right to seek personal privilege, it said, adding that they should take the lead in implementing socialist core values and acting with integrity and self-discipline.

The Party will stick to the policy of "no restricted zones, full cover-age and zero tolerance" in its fight against corruption, it added.

(China Daily 10/28/2016 page3)

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