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China Daily Website

The "Chinese dream," put forth by Chinese President Xi Jinping, is to build a moderately prosperous society and realize national rejuvenation. Find out the latest news report, photos and comments on the concept of "Chinese dream" from China Daily and

The Chinese Dream in Western eyes

In China, the Chinese Dream stirs hopes and sets expectations; internationally, it provokes questions and elicits concerns. Here I look outside China - exploring attitudes, suggesting responses and warning of the dangers of self-fulfilling prophecies.

Making 'Chinese dream' a reality

The recent plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) promised reforms necessary to pave the way for the realization of Chinese dream.

  • Special: Disabled share Chinese dream

    2013-09-18 10:08

    Although they have various disabilities, they have made friends, mastered job skills and created value for society. They face different challenges in finding jobs, but they can support themselves financially and emotionally after consistently hard work.

  • Disabled people share Chinese dream: vice premier

    2013-09-17 19:43

    China has about 85 million disabled people that share the Chinese dream of rejuvenating the nation and living a better life, said a senior official of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on Tuesday.

  • For many, Chinese dream means happiness

    2013-09-06 08:01

    The determination of Chinese people to achieve happiness can be uplifting.

  • Students urged to dream big

    2013-08-24 11:04

    The Chinese Dream ideal will be the first academic lesson for primary and middle school students across China this year.

  • Chinese dream resonates African dream: ex-UN official

    2013-08-14 13:51

    A former senior UN official said recently that the "Chinese dream" proposed by President Xi Jinping resonates with the dream of Africa as China and Africa can achieve common development through common efforts.

  • 'Chinese dream' highlights peaceful development

    2013-08-09 14:02

    The "Chinese dream" embodies the common aspiration of other countries and peoples in the world as it highlights peace, development and mutually beneficial cooperation.

  • Xi stresses greater courage, wisdom in reforms

    2013-07-25 07:30

    China must deepen reforms in major areas with "ever more political courage and wisdom" to surmount the institutional barriers that are restraining growth, President Xi Jinping has stressed.

  • President Xi calls on scientists to serve

    2013-07-18 02:07

    President Xi urged scientists to keep in mind the need to serve their homeland and to benefit the people, to combine their own ambitions with the Chinese dream — the rejuvenation of the country.

  • Premier urges medical services for all citizens

    2013-06-29 09:32

    Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has urged that a basic medical care system be provided to all citizens as a public service.

  • 'Chinese dream' among top buzzwords

    2013-06-05 20:23

    Chinese dream," "beautiful China" and "the completion of a well-off society" were among most frequently used terms in media reports and textbooks last year.

  • Asian countries to benefit from 'Chinese dream'

    2013-06-04 22:15

    The "Chinese dream" will benefit Asia and the world while opening up new opportunities for other countries to realize their own dreams or visions.

  • Taiwan not absent in achieving 'Chinese dream'

    2013-04-10 14:24

    Taiwan compatriots cannot be absent in realizing the "Chinese dream" of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, a mainland spokeswoman said at a press conference Wednesday.
