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China Daily Website

  • China's first female astronaut excels in performance

    2012-06-24 18:47

    Liu Yang, the first Chinese woman entering the space, had an excellent performance in past eight days, a spokeswoman of China's manned space program said Sunday.

  • Sky is not the limit for young space engineers

    2012-06-19 07:38

    Chinese space engineers are about 15 years younger on average than the average age of the space engineers in other countries.

  • Liu to be China's 1st woman in space

    2012-06-15 14:33

    Astronaut Liu Yang, one of China's two female reserve astronauts and a former air force pilot, will be China's first woman in space.

  • How astronauts live in space

    2012-06-14 08:09

    Shenzhou IX will orbit in space for more than 10 days, the longest manned flight ever by a Chinese spacecraft.

  • Likely 1st Chinese woman in space keeps low profile

    2012-06-13 08:07

    Liu Yang, one of the female candidates mostly likely to become an astronaut, has been described by her classmates and relatives as a quiet person who keeps a low profile.

  • Wang ready to take off

    2012-06-13 07:27

    32-year-old Wang Yaping - born in a village known for growing cherries in Shandong province -has flown four types of aircraft and soon possibly a spacecraft.

  • 6 astronauts compete for 3 spots on Shenzhou IX

    2012-06-12 10:06

    Astronaut candidates for the Shenzhou IX manned spacecraft attend a flag-raising ceremony at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Northwest China on June 10, 2012.

  • Shenzhou IX may take female astronaut to space

    2012-03-12 09:49

    Authorities have completed the initial selection of crew members for China's first manned space docking mission, and the roster includes female astronauts.

  • She was a hero pilot

    2012-06-11 13:29

    One of China's two female astronaut candidates was once a hero pilot who successfully dealt with a mid-air emergency.
