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The 18th CPC Central Committee, composed of more than 200 senior Party officials, convenes its third plenum on November 9-12 to discuss major economic and social issues concerning comprehensive reform.

Key CPC meeting opens to set reform agenda

The Communist Party of China (CPC) kicked off a key meeting in Beijing on Saturday with a discussion on deepening reform top on the agenda.

Premier vows local governance reform

Premier Li Keqiang made a speech at a meeting on functional transformation and institutional reform of local governments.

  • Top legislature to review 47 new draft laws in 5 yrs

    2013-10-30 13:38

    The planned laws and amendments cover the issues including basic medical care, land management, pollution, telecoms, charities and railways.

  • Party plenum to be held on Nov 9

    2013-10-30 00:19

    The much-anticipated meeting will set the country's reform agenda for the next decade.

  • Think tank report focuses on new reforms

    2013-10-29 23:31

    The Development Research Center of the State Council, a Chinese government think tank, has highlighted eight key reform areas in a report ahead of a key plenum of the Communist Party of China.

  • CPC leadership approves anti-extravagance rules

    2013-10-29 20:19

    The Communist Party of China (CPC) leadership on Tuesday approved a regulation to fight waste and extravagance among Party and government departments, calling for strengthened supervision and harsher punishments for violators.

  • Key Party meeting starts on Nov 9

    2013-10-29 16:44

    The Third Plenary Session of the 18th Communist Party of China Central Committee will be held between Nov 9 and Nov 12 in Beijing.

  • Senior official probed for suspected violations

    2013-10-28 21:12

    Liao Shaohua, a Standing Committee member of the Party Committee of Southwest China's Guizhou province, is under investigation for suspected severe violations of disciplines and laws.

  • Govt thinktank report emphasizes reform

    2013-10-28 17:30

    The Development Research Center of the State Council has highlighted eight key reform areas in a report ahead of a key plenum of the Communist Party of China.

  • The CPC Third Plenary Session set to deepen reform

    2013-10-25 17:29

    The 18th CPC Central Committee will convene its third plenum on November 9-12 to discuss major economic and social issues concerning comprehensive reform.

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