
Imbued with Emotion - Decoration Patterns of Classical Furniture

( ) Updated: 2012-07-20 14:25:52

Imbued with Emotion - Decoration Patterns of Classical Furniture

The first one is to use different kinds of flowers, grasses or other plants as the decoration, comparing their special traits to the moralities and attributes of people. For example, the lotus flower stands for purity and nobility, while the peony symbolizes the riches and honor, daffodil for elegance, chrysanthemum for longevity as well as the integrity with great fortitude, and the Chinese flowering crabapple is compared to those gentlemen of honor or the talented and good-looking women. The megranate and grape with many seeds embody people’s wishes to have more sons or grandsons with more blessings. Besides, the bamboo and the pine are regarded as the best embodiment of the attribute of nobleness and integrity with great fortitude of people.

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