
Jury panel of 67th Cannes Film Festival

( ) Updated: 2014-05-14 14:46:23
Jury panel of 67th Cannes Film Festival

French actress Carole Bouquet [Photo/]

Carole Bouquet, Actress (France)

After her film debut in 1977 with Luis Buñuel in That Obscure Object of Desire, Bouquet alternated between arthouse and blockbuster productions. A Bond Girl in 1981 in For Your Eyes Only, she worked with Bertrand Blier on Buffet Froid (1979) and Too Beautiful For You (1989) for which she won the César for Best Actress. She appeared in Le jour des idiots by Werner Schroeter, Michel Blanc's Dead Tired and Embrassez qui vous voudrez, Lucie Aubrac by Claude Berri, L'Enfer by Danis Tanovic, Nordeste by Juan Diego Solanas (Festival de Cannes 2005) and Unforgivable by André Téchiné.

Jury panel of 67th Cannes Film Festival 

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