
Li Jinyong: Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine

By Liu Diangang and Mao Herong ( ) Updated: 2015-01-28 14:00:18

Throughout more than 70 years' medical practice, Li Jinyong has formed complete medical thoughts and accumulated abundant clinical experience. He is versed in internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, pediatrics and otolaryngology. He is good at curing complicated diseases, among which those in internal medicine and gynecology are his specialized fields. He has formed a distinctive style of reinforcing and reducing methods in treating visceral impairment and miscellaneous diseases, that is purging phlegm and blood stasis and tonifying the spleen and the kidney. In addition, he specializes in adopting classical prescriptions and carefully-chosen Chinese herbs and in his treatment he emphasizes the curative effects of prescription and Chinese herbs. He has written several clinical works, such as Summary of Li Jinyong's Clinical Experience, China's One Hundred Famous TCM Doctors in Recent One Hundred Years—— Li Jinyong and Essence of Li Jinyong's Medical Cases and Medical Theories.

Li Jinyong has formed his own complete academic view of TCM and clinical view of diagnosis and treatment. He emphasizes that treatment based on syndrome differentiation is the unique characteristic and soul of TCM and clinical syndromes must be based on differentiation. What's more, he holds that TCM academics bear strong oriental characteristics, with broad and profound dialectical thoughts. He takes the holistic concept and dynamic concept as his academic and theoretical basis and raises for the first time the academic view that “TCM should be modernized with oriental cultural characteristics” in the TCM field.

Since 1976 Li Jinyong has been invited to Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Nanning, Fuzhou, Hongkong and Daejeon in Republic of Korea to give lectures, impart clinical experience and promote academic exchange.

Li Jinyong has been keeping his eyes on TCM development and contributing his energy to TCM development throughout his life. In 1982 and 1984, he, together with 10 TCM experts in China, submitted a written statement to the State Council, proposing that a national administration bureau of TCM should be established to strengthen the leadership of the Communist Party over TCM. The state leaders attached great importance to their proposal and approved of it afterwards. In 1986, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the People’s Republic of China was founded. Then, he strongly supported the set up of a professional press for TCM, and in 1989 the China Press of Traditional Chinese Medicine was established. In 2003, he wrote a letter to state leaders stating the advantages of TCM and the distinguishing features of oriental medicines and advised the government to legislate laws and regulations to protect and develop TCM. In the same year, the State Council issued the Regulation of the People’s Republic of China on TCM.

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