
Sherlock special set for Victorian London

( CRI ) Updated: 2015-03-19 11:10:30

<EM>Sherlock</EM> special set for Victorian London

The screenshot shows the front page for the third season of Sherlock on China's video streaming websites Youku. [Photo/]

The upcoming Sherlock special will be set ini Victorian London, according to the show's co-creater Steven Moffat.

Moffat told Entertainment Weekly that it would be a historical adventure that stands alone from the main series.

Last year, the BBC released an image of Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman in character as the famous sleuth and his assistant in Victorian clothing.

The BBC has yet to confirm when the new special will be broadcast.

Meanwhile, Sherlock co-creator and star Mark Gatiss has said he based his character of Sherlock's elder brother Mycroft on the British Labour Party politician Peter Mandelson.

The BBC series "Sherlock" has a huge following in China with thousands of dedicated fan clubs.

The third season premiere of the show on popular Chinese website Youku last year was viewed more than 5 million times in the first 24 hours, becoming the site's most popular program to date.


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