
Skateboarders inspire new photo book

By Chen Nan ( ) Updated: 2015-06-18 10:14:13

Skateboarders inspire new photo book

A photo from Xie Shi's book. Photo provided to

When photographer Xie Shi traveled to the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region last summer, a photo project was not high on his agenda. Having long been captivated by the distant region, he just wanted to enjoy the natural scenery, architecture and food there.

However, the local young people who embrace the skateboard culture impressed Xie so much that the trip resulted in a photo book.

Gathering 64 photos, the book presents 30 young skaters from Xinjiang. Xie used the word Aghine, from Uygur language, as the title of the book, meaning like-minded brothers.

"It was the first time that I went to Xinjiang. Before that, I knew nothing about the place. I was attracted by its exotic culture and the religion. I like the place, especially the young people. They are energetic, sincere and welcoming," says Xie, who went to take photos in Xinjiang again last winter.

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