
Renowned Chinese filmmaker Xie Tieli dies

( CRI ) Updated: 2015-06-20 15:34:45

Renowned Chinese filmmaker Xie Tieli dies

Renowned Chinese film director Xie Tieli has died at the age of 90 in Beijing on Friday.[Photo/Xinhua]

Renowned Chinese film director Xie Tieli has died at the age of 90 in Beijing on Friday.

Born in 1925, Xie is regarded as one of the leading figures in the "Third Generation" of Chinese directors, the group who rose to prominence after the founding of the New China in 1949.

Xie was the winner of a best director award and a lifetime achievement award from the Golden Rooster film awards, China's Oscars equivalent.

His best-known films include Early Spring in February and Bosom Friend.

He was thought of as one of China's most influential filmmakers.

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