
Chinese skipper completes a record-breaking Trans-Arctic journey

( ) Updated: 2015-09-17 16:45:59

Chinese skipper completes a record-breaking Trans-Arctic journey

Chinese adventurer Guo Chuan completes his trans-Arctic journey and arrives at the Bering Strait on September 15, 2015. [Photo/Xinhua]

Chinese adventurer Guo Chuan has completed his trans-Arctic journey aboard trimaran Qingdao China with an international crew.

Guo completed the journey in 13 days to set a world record for navigating the Arctic Ocean non-stop on a boat completely powered by wind.

The crew set out from the Russian port city of Murmansk and reached the destination in the Bering Strait.

It is the first time in history that a racing trimaran completed a nonstop Arctic sail along the northern sea route.

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