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Xinjiang cultural shows enchant Egypt

China Daily | Updated: 2017-07-15 07:11

Xinjiang cultural shows enchant Egypt

Artists from China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region dance in Alexandria, Egypt on July 10.[Photo/Xinhua]

"It's very important for an artist to perform in different countries and communicate with different cultures and peoples. It is a pleasure to be here and present Chinese culture to Egypt."

In a nearby hall, there was "2017 Experience China," an exhibition and photo gallery on the lifestyle, traditions and history of Xinjiang and West China.

The exhibition, inaugurated by Alexandria Governor Mohamed Sultan and China's Consul General in Alexandria Xu Nanshan, showcases Xinjiang's traditional music instruments as well as a photo gallery.

Commenting on the exhibition, the governor says: "Such events are important for cultural exchanges and enhancing cultural ties."

He described relations between Egypt and China as "very strong," stressing his country's keenness to deepen ties with China.

Chen Dongyun, the cultural counselor of the Chinese embassy and director of the Chinese Cultural Center in Cairo, says the event seeks to introduce Xinjiang to the Egyptian people and widen the friendship between the two nations.

"We hope that cooperation through China's Belt and Road Initiative in the economy, technology, education and culture spheres elevates Egypt-China ties to a comprehensive strategic partnership," he adds.

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