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Russian ballet adds poetry to N China

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2017-08-10 15:28
Russian ballet adds poetry to N China

The ballet Le Corsaire was staged at the Harbin Grand Theatre, Aug 9. [Photo/VCG]

A dance troupe and symphony orchestra from the Primorsky Stage of the Mariinsky Theatre performed the ballet Le Corsaire at the Harbin Grand Theatre on Aug 9.

Based on the poem The Corsair by Byron and adapted by the world-class composer Adolphe Adam, the ballet tells a romantic story between the corsair Conrad and the fishergirl Medora.

Since its debut in 1856, Le Corsaire continues to shine on stage with its grand spectacles and intriguing storyline. It is welcomed by theaters in the United States and Europe. The Russian Ballet, one of the most prestigious European ballet companies, even includes it in the theater's repertoire.

"I'm truly honored to perform Le Corsaire in China," said Irina Sapozhnikova, the principal dancer. "Russia and China have an enduring friendship. We want to show Chinese audiences the best of Russian arts."

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