
Mixed media artist reflects Chinese traditions

By Lin Qi ( China Daily ) Updated: 2014-04-11 10:37:22

Mixed media artist reflects Chinese traditions

Huang Chih-yang

Huang displays some 20 works as examples of his passion for Chinese traditions. His creations provide a glimpse of how his generation of Taiwan artists inherit and enrich Chinese culture, a concept he has expanded since his move to Beijing.

Mixed media artist reflects Chinese traditions

National Museum plans special exhibition on April 11 

Mixed media artist reflects Chinese traditions

Abstract exhibition opens at Today Art Museum 

He assembled 19 pieces of white marble to form the installation Possessing a Thousand Peaks. He fashioned the stones to resemble the Great Wall towers built in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and dragon totems. He created a landscape of rolling mountains guarding the capital city.

In the huge painting Beijing Bio, composed of nine linked screens, he renders an early spring scene with dense ink brushes. His frenetic depictions of thawing ice, chirping crickets and sprouting plants convey the enormous inner power of Beijing.

He borrowed the elements of his color scheme from traditional brocade when he painted the Zoon Dreamscape series. He applied layers of ink, mineral color and acrylic paint on silk.

Viewers are thrilled by the vivid colors, but the highly concentrated composition could make them feel breathless.

Huang hints at the dramatic, exciting city life that can often be too fast-paced and uncomfortable.

The exhibition is among a few contemporary art shows held at the national museum.

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